Friday, June 24, 2011

sleep skin savage meat of the story

The mother is careful not to call audible cup, one-sided tea, while Listen to the sound of the girl to study fluid. Very cool and bright sound. And a small stove and steady voice together, in the room, sleep skin savage meat of the story, like a beautiful ribbon in the meandering and moving. She read, and the fairy tale is the same thing, the mother towards her son looked at several times, he would like to ask what this history which may prohibit it? But after a while a child, she tired of listening to hear this story, began to quietly observe the guests and let them find.
Ba Weier and Natasha sat side by side; he was good looking than anyone else. Natasha whispered, overlooking the book, aside from time to time by hand on both sides that slide into the temple hair. She often looked up, her eyes looked good listeners, Yadisangyin not reading this, give some personal views.
Huo Huoer the large chest against the corner of the table, and slanting eyes watching his drooping mustache that was pulled.
Level Suofu Xi husband will blame the palm branch of the knee, such as wood are generally straight in his chair, his thin lips goes scarce pock-marked eyebrows, motionless, like a mask-like. His fine eyes unblinking, staring stubbornly that light reflected in the copper stove on his own shadow.

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