Wednesday, June 8, 2011

a protest in front of Chinese embassy

China is now Vietnam in a conflict between, and now a new development. That is the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi in a few days before it appeared in more than 300 Vietnamese peoplestaged a protest in front of Chinese embassy, many holdingsigns, protesting a variety of so-called troubles in China, probably mean that. Harassment, almost half an hour later, the presence of 50 police took them to disperse peaceful.herve leger v neck bandage baby blue dress 

In addition to this, the fact there is another thing, I feel that withthis somewhat related. That is the Philippines President Corazon Aquino III is June 2, a few days ago, said he filed a complaint to the United Nations, accused China of violating theterritorial sovereignty of the Philippines. He said that after Feb. 5this year, China has been 6-7 times violated the territorial waters of the Philippines.

I also remember that shortly before the official presentation ofChina to the Philippines, you invade my Philippine territorial waters of China, both sides a bit rattling. The latest report of the Philippine military is its report, the Navy, it pointed out that therecent Chinese tracking ship with the Chinese warships, into thesouthwest to the Philippines a hundred years for example, it iswithin the so-called economic zone, and then Put aside to somebuilding materials, and also built a sentry post, which is it to seesome of the phenomena or evidence.

Yang Jiang sound: how do you interpret this time around, including Vietnam, the Philippines, including those countries as well, made ​​to China's protests about sovereignty?

Shih Chi-ping: I think last week we have done for Vietnam in thisregard some analysis, according to Vietnam's argument is thatVietnam critical of China, that you have three maritime surveillance ships, in my area which is very quick to come, My oil and gas exploration ship you a cable was cut, so I protested, because you violated the sovereignty of our country. In response,the Chinese when the position is to say, you are violating the sovereignty of me, my actions today, I in my waters within the jurisdiction of the legal action taken.herve leger v neck bandage varsity red dress 

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