Wednesday, June 8, 2011

reflect a greater voice in emerging markets.

Lagarde said, "to India, if the accurate representation of their status, we will increase its share of 40%, and its voice will reach the same level. I think this process is ongoing. "

Also reported that, according to Lagarde's statement, IMFshould reflect the actual situation of the global economy now, but also reflect a greater voice in emerging markets.Coach Madison Shoulder Bag 

Lagarde promised that in India, "If I am elected president of theIMF, I am bound to continue the current IMF reform process.

Reported that the reason why there is such a position Lagarde,mainly because India has not committed to supporting her asIMF president.

Zhu Min, vice president candidates (column) received wide support

"India Times " quoted the Indian government sources as saying that the candidate elected Carstens, Mexico will soon visit Indiato seek support. The article said that if the Chinese get a quotain the IMF's commitment to the second, which will supportLagarde.

Reported that the IMF executive position by Lagarde look easy, but another question is whether Asians should be held by a vicepresident.

Reported that, although the Thai Finance Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, former Minister of Finance of Turkey are taken into account, but may make this "deal " is that China, the former vice president Zhu Min, Bank of China has been widely supported.Coach Madison Tote 

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