Monday, June 27, 2011

Great heart words

마음이 pictograph입니다 광경의 훌륭한 조합입니다.

세 단어 심장, 경력, 가족, 자연이 있습니다. "인"모양의 가장자리는 연결 방식을 볼 수 있습니다 날입니다. 왼쪽 지점은 첫 번째 단어의 심장, 생존에 필요한 욕구의 첫 상징입니다. 오늘날 사회는 아무도하지 않는 게으른 굶어되지 않습니다. 또다른 두명의 명성과 부를 중심 기호의 각 다른 점, 또는 자기 실현의 필요합니다. 운명의 결론을 알게하기 위해 자신의 노력과 커뮤니티를 통해 생활을 말씀하는 것입니다 즉, 서로를 사랑 해요. 목적 자신의 행복한 가족, 사회 문명과 진보의 홍보를 만들거나 유지하는 것입니다.세 사랑 단어 심장, 가족, 우정, 사랑이있다, 애정 깊이의 일종이며, 그것이 당신에게 따뜻한을 제공합니다, 당신 가족 봄, 즐길, 그들의 손자로 따뜻한으로 확인하고 조건 아니라, 아무것도 요구하지 햇빛. 우정 광범위한 일종이며, 그것이 당신에게 행복을 제공, 당신은 노래를 Haorenhaomeng하게 친구의 축복을 즐길, 거대한 그랜드이며, 항상 엔론의 제방의 서식지를 이해할 수있는, 사랑이, 순결의 일종이다 당신은 사랑의 달콤한 즉, 사랑의 진정한 의미가 끝없는 만들 수있는 감정 - 라덴 노래 신비 이해가, 눈물이 서로의 영혼 샤인 창고. 애정의 깊이를 경험, 자신의 가정의 온기를 소중히 것이며 더 많은 하드 원 친구 우정, 존경과 사랑의 폭을의 맛 사랑, 순결의 사랑을, 당신 더 마음이 갈 것입니다 자신의 반쪽을 사랑 해요. 소중한 가족 생활, 우정과 사랑을 가지고이 생활이 실제 생활을 호출할 수 있습니다.세 단어의 마음, 만족, 균형이있다, 행복 영원한입니다! 이것은 사람들이 너무 게으른 너무 욕심하지 않아야하고, 너무 피곤 사는지도 모르고, 가족, 직업 및 사회적 관계를 처리하려고 할 것을 의미합니다. 마음을 편히 쉬세요, 사실은 그 후, 마음을 진정. 인간의 성숙의 목표 세계 분명히 이해. glitz 뒤에 진실은, 침묵 뒤에 큰 기회는 기쁨과 슬픔을하지 기쁘게 아니라, 순수 명예 후 경험이 평평 것은 사실입니다, 삶의 조용한 통찰력은 축복입니다.를 염두에두고 있어야 언덕을 볼 수라는 인생의 세 영역은, 물을 보는 것은 물이며 산들은 산과 바다가 아닌 물을 수 없습니다, 산과 바다 또는 물을 참조하십시오.언덕을 참조 물을 보는 것은 물을 수 있습니다. 아이들이 말했다 위해이 영역은, 그들이이 세계에 온 것도, 새로운 생소한 없다, 오직 교육, 가족 및 교사를 통해, 그들은 사물을 이해합니다. 이것은 당신이 그를 말해 무엇, 그가 1 1도 즉, 고의적으로 인정하지 않습니다 알아, 2입니다.산들은 산과 바다가 아닌 물을 수 없습니다. 중년 남자가 말했다위한이 영역은, 나이, 사회 경험 증가, 사람들의 사고는 더 복잡 해집니다. 이 시점에서, 사람들이 산에는 더 이상 단순히 산의 의미 보는, 물이 더 이상 물을 순수한 의미 없습니다. 어떤 사람들은이 산을보고 높은 산에 것을 발견,이 물에 목욕은 하루 만날 필요가 더 많은 물이 그물, Yuhenantian을 결코 한번도 싶어요. 이름의 일부 사람들은 이익을 위해, 미용 머리가 잘 운임. 사실, 인생은 높은 수준의 추구도 그것을 멀리 가져온해야하는 이유로 오랫동안 그들이 행복하게 라인을 라이브로 짧은!같은 산, 물 또는 물을 참조하십시오. 이 영역은 포스트에서 은퇴 노후로 말씀으로 노년층을위한 많은 사람들이 진지하게 자신의 생활의 자신의 대부분에 반영할 수, 바쁜 드디어 뭘 안다는거야? 어떤 사람들은 이상을 달성하지만, 건강의 비용으로, 어떤 사람들은 부를 축적하지만, 믿음을 잃었습니다.사람들의 좋은 반사 결국 이걸 돈을 인식, 삶의 세 번째 수준에 도달할 것이며, 학생들이 더 많은 돈을 이미 나체 모르지만, 또 산들을보고 그 두려움으로 자연으로 돌아가, 물이나 물을 참조하십시오. 돈 거래를하는 것은, 그래서 사랑 또한 경우에, 그러한 사람들은 조심과 사람의 서로 다른 단계를 보면서 사랑, 그리고 매우 부드러운 동반 수 있으며 서로를 치료, 그녀는 어려움 중 하나를 알고 있기 때문에, 함께 있고 헌신을 추구하지 않는 수 있습니다 없습니다 사랑에 젊은 사람들의 꿈을 깨고 잔인한 될, 그래서 그들은 녹색보고 미소 것입니다. 개인 정말 진정으로 사랑하는이 같은 사람을 사랑하는 경우, 그것은 당신의 인생과 행복에 큰 행복해야합니다.

New journey

Time is like water flowing generally take away my 2009, the colourful, even though the whole world of annual economic environment is not good, but are the year harvest too many people and things and the knowledge, experience, experience and beautiful journey...... Walked all the way to more clear his direction, the world this is lovely, Angle different ways. Choose good comrades, walk on the road, established empire journey all will do a. A year in addition to the home outside a month in the Philippines company and close school-first time you spend lifetime in the impact of September 2009, 26, has clear I was in that night with a group of students graduate floor in the typhoon blared await rescue in the school, the water has a layer of submerged in water, it is still 10000 regrets. Themselves lucky, after all, near misses the optional course, the dissertation defense and work was so well on. Today, the course had all courses, the thesis also only poor last's plea, the job also see the Chinese and the world of world leaders, business elite, time flies and be quiet the bloomy spring... again
Have to say oneself is a lucky boy, to complete the set in goal and still learn many things, see through more people and things, the external things forever very superficial and short, inner quality and feeling will become a permanent. Capitalism pragmatism and real modern life, the mode of operation of business life is his regrets and also felt the beautiful, a dynasty has its own rise and fall of the mystery of the national system, during the one hundred has its advantages and disadvantages in the fall. But the law governing the saints in with the essence and discard the dregs, drawn from a yi, thirty years of red empire was the myth of a perfect proof!
Go your way before, at the foot of a long road, his journey has just begun, slowly walked on, from will achieve their deep in the heart of the beautiful and great dream, there is anything the matter of the easy, to the weak would easily yi, not for the YiZhe also difficult to do. Continue to work hard, the empire years can do a! Protect yourself who you, all will be more perfect eternal and great. The wife in this country with their already is the biggest happiness, ha ha. The only domestic parents is concerned, they hope the healthy body, all the luck, the busy work at the same time pay attention to rest. Ha ha, other as their dad said to the JinRenShi like that and hear destiny, avenue, no lag emperor industry will become, believe in yourself, that the golden age and this time the complexity of the people and things.
Said to do it better to do best, most of the time but increase heart of many regrets is the light on his journey YiZhanZhan the beacon, work hard, everything in the front, or to the world that the great things, to continue to do an evil the kind of people who, so oneself can measure good himself and his people!!!! Happy New Year and best of everything

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돛을가 강물처럼 할 수 없었다는 혼자 서있는 다리는 거의 비어 눈이 항상 있습니다. 이런 방식으로 하나는 어제 사라 졌 아니라 켜져.
참여하는 항상 주저 때문에 공포를 위해 그것은 아름다운 마음의 전체 중지 끝낼 것이다, 한 번에 축제 의식을 끝내고 싶지 않아.고통의 고통이 오랜 세월을 당기의 조각 것입니다. 좋은 시간은 항상 매우 간단하게 민첩있는이 세상에 깨끗한 결말을 떠났다. 아무것도 의도적인 향수가있다. 안돼!
아이디어 중 일부에서 휴가 불꽃놀이 불꽃 모양의 흠도의 영향은 인간 플래시에있을 수 있습니다 그. 그 마약은 맛 술 취한 사람 혼자 냄새를 맡는다 수없는 욕망 아직 담배를 피우고.
심장은 매우 스파스, 분주한는 아파트를 해제. 침묵의 흥분 후. 갑자기 세상이 사라질 것, 심지어 소리가 죽었 있습니​​다.불꽃놀이 후 영광 삶,하지만.louis vuitton handbags 인생은 물보다 더 아무것도하지만, 홍수를 만들 수 없습니다 사람. 물을 살수하는 것은 종종 얇고 연약하고 스파스이며, 흐름이 루 유, 하나님은 피할 수없는 무엇 될 것이고, 복잡한 혼란 따라 디치스, 사람들은 시간이 나침반의 행복한 여행을 잃은 속도 것입니다. 첫 번째 Cardiothoracic 화려한 자기를 분실. 일부 익은 가장자리의 매듭 아래 잡초에. 자신의 생활, 조심 작업. 하드가보고 안심 고통받는 조용한 기쁨의 해석 주위에 실행하는 것을. 블리크 풍경 일반적으로 불꽃놀이!
그 순간에 강제로 기억 해요. 순간의 급증 감정을 회수. 그 불꽃 하늘 모험.자연 생활의 운명에서 일부 대회에 좋습니다. 변경하지 않습니다. 신중한 계획은 참을성 바보 초대주의를 내려다 기다리고 있습니다.미국, 아무 것도 기억할 수없는 두 사람의 추억이 불쌍하다는 연민을 얼굴을 밝게해야합니다.이 세상,이 계절, 기후 슬픈되었고, 당신과 내가 혼자가 서로의 손을의 기쁨을 공개하지 않았다. 우리는 불꽃놀이 내부 폭력 약물 농도를하지, 우리는 무관심 바람 후 불꽃놀이 파편합니다. 우리는 화상 결코, 우리는 항상있을 수 있도록.
그랜드 페스티벌의 엄숙한 축하 모든 슬픈 세상을 억제, 먼지가 깜짝 임신되고, 갑자기 플래시가있을 거라 생각 했어요. 참조 그 행복을 잡아라.그 길을 따라 생활, 기억은 뒤로 수 없습니다. 사람들의 메모리 전체 일관된 과거의 존재를 뛰어 수없는, 그들은 항상 심연을 통해 가장 기억에 남는 순간 이동입니다. 그것을보고, 손실의 의미를 잃어 ...당신쪽으로 오는 사람은 면역성이 없어 운명 경우. 큰 넓은 광장처럼 외로워요, 내 끝없는하지만 다시 돌아갈 수밖에 없다의 의미를 알아요. 당신이 잊지 언터처블지만, 자신의 생각을 숨길 여유가 없다때 잘릴 기쁨, 외로움의 중심. 당신이 내게 와서, 또는 당신에게 걸어. 당신은 멋진 만나고 멋진 불꽃놀이를 경험하는 사람이해야하기 때문에. 한 순간에 인생이 중단이 아닌 일시 중지하지만, 울기 왔을 때.
불꽃놀이를 가득 사람의 눈을으로부터 격리 고독 서로 밖 불꽃놀이의 선무 중심의 경험과 놀라운 역동적인 영혼 바라 보았다.이 삶의 생활, 우리는 시내에 여러분을 초대합니다!파란 하늘에 증가를 기다리고 싶어하는 눈 상대 어디에, 누구와 누구 일관 밝은 중심부의 영향을 따라하면, 지금 하나를 징훙 빛날 때 빛나는, 아무도 집중해의 밤하늘에서 가장 아름다운 풍경 뒤에 발, 그리고 아무도 과거를 놓치지 생각하지 않습니다. 어떤 사람들은 걸어 나갔다, 짓눌린 빨간색은 하향식, 침묵을 때려 부담 감히 그래서 그 어두운 버린 끝에 기꺼이했다.
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자신을 저장 :이 순간에 나는 것이 가장 마음을 말한거야!불꽃놀이에 할당된 각 사람의 손에 운명이 너무 많이하지 않습니다, 우리는 의도적으로 불필요한 많이 배출 있고, 나머지는 영광의 방전을 사용하도록 주의해야합니다.예. 번영과 번영 행복하고 느슨한합니다. 사람의 얼굴은 너무도 복숭아의 계절을하지 않습니다.

Miss the spread of the

Sad if spring, spring is neither, between the end is pale change garments according to the.
Not only is over, what brought from the past, mocked denounced. Youth play horse, the time a mill, maintain and increase helpless.
Having been to let go, why miss, cool wind rendering the appearance. Fine if the hair, cycle time, lost the spread between silently. -signature
Always likes to write some sad words, described the gloomy youth. Seems to enjoy the feeling, in fact I can't tell what feeling himself, is sort of like the words they use. Occasionally went through his wrote things, breath is wrong rhythm, I began to like them. Such, can make himself better, and betterjoanjudy exblog blog
They all said, I am a very funny people, the fact so! See I write text, always have a sad inside, really totally changed. In this light, ha Well, as you said, split personality precursors! Or, I carry, pack sad lonely. Well! These are not important. Remember once had said, a few years this out of the two I fold, a love cry, love to laugh. There are so few people, is the real understand me! After all, most people see is I happy one side.
Just one, have already walked through 25 years. And from the mature change, growth is just so only a few days just, always experienced some things, can change. Did not remember how many times have changed. Really can understand after experience in, even if some things did not happen ago, but will not see through carefully to make it happen. That man is lose their head! However, wait until those after what happened to the real change is one of our fatal weakness. Perhaps, firsthand experience is like life the way of road signs and experience, changed, he wrote a. Occasionally look back down the road, the traces of mottled, always let their fuzzy the line of sight.
"A heavy rain, fell on far from me time, very far of the space". The familiar melody and in the ear ring out, and fly back to the thoughts of the once upon a time, not far to have tried hard to forget that memory, but the results to make it more clearly. Is who said, as it's hard to forget, don't forget, not let nature take its course. Or a good treasure they, they have an infinite kind significance. Lin jia had the bole sings, "" go with sorrow hate peace education, to one story, then the settled in, no matter good or bad. You let me grow up, it is worth the pain."
The crumbling light through the window in the classroom, play underground through those light, see dust flies upwards of appearance, suddenly feel very comfortable, have a warm feeling. Time is very bright and beautiful, seems to be no reason to his time in so quiet good sentimental. Still can be in the sunshine, smell the smell of a lonely. Maybe missed some people some things, and seems to be up the loss of time sigh. Between the two has actually cannot intersected connection, some people, may understand.
Time so bleeding, just turned around and all already strange. The past as the movies in mind as to deduce. But those who have just rolls of black and white film, even though a shed, more more deep sadness, and also can only be buried in the bottom of my heart. Looked up at the sky, and could not find ever of the blue, effort to fight, not to miss, but also have been let tears to bloom in the corner.
The four seasons metempsychosis, those who had buried. When leisure, back to the good looking for the lost anyway, she was there smiling, just the people around is no longer I. She is still happy, that's enough, isn't it? In fact, people always feel like this hypocrisy, whisper as long as her happy, it doesn't matter how he, still can be ground MoJi Peter will not let it go; People still so selfish, most care or their own, in order to you want, any deliberate. However, all that are still can tacit together, said, I pretended to be sweet, vows of eternal love all that is to you, you pretend to move. So those who agreed, fragile potentially vulnerable. We, is so sad.suewo livedoor blog
Can't help and remember the words: if a clean heart, flower and one world, bird paradise. We are still the quiet down, listen to the music. Even if ShaoHua flies, the four seasons is alternant, such as the shuttle an indifferent to meditate on, let a dream for pure rebirth. Fewer regrets, less sigh, the day is still bright and beautiful. We still look like a child, cannot bear too much. Or we all have an adult, at least we still accept education. People will get old, look back to see that go along the way deep shallow footprint, a series of road signs. Let his smile, no matter be bright or suffering, we all this smile, so light were smiling. And then to go ahead, but don't forget the passage back, don't forget, occasionally miss.
Cool wind has blown, and miss spread is endless. People have to end, built. On the streets of noisy voices hidden and around only gradually the voice of the wind. The leaves fall in full, the direction of home thoughts toward a few times, I meditate on the hometown of the name, tonight, and will be sleeping. Those people, those things, along with the strengthening of eyelid in the face. Good night, my friends, I have this to go ahead. In the dark, the outline of the outline of the figure and more vague. What to believe, and I will meet day you, see you smile, if can peach blossom.

Friday, June 24, 2011

the other one light-colored hair cut very short

 He seems to have stopped breathing.
Philip read a little good listening, silently moving lips Xi, are like the words of the book is in the heart and repeat. His friend on his knees to elbow with the palm branch to live cheek, bent body, smiling thoughtfully.
And Ba Weier to the same, there is a red Kai hair, blue eyes, long a pair of happy young man, he is probably looking for an empty child to say something, so disturbing to move forward there; the other one light-colored hair cut very short, touch fondle his head, watching the floor in that, not see his face.
Room where people feel comfortable. She never felt a mother's experience had a special air, water in general, as Natasha was studying voice, she remembered the young vibrant party, always Fasan Zhao rancid alcohol young people rude words , and those people are talking about silly jokes. She thought of them, a poor sense of their own pain, faint excitement on her heart.
She remembered when her husband died of courtship.
In a party, in a dense mass of the doorway he caught her with her whole body against the wall, muffled angry camel asked the hair:
"My wife can do it?"
She felt pain and humiliation, but he was forced to rub her Xiongru, violently panting, his breath hot and humid blown her face. Her in his arms in the struggle, finally broke free to the side.

sleep skin savage meat of the story

The mother is careful not to call audible cup, one-sided tea, while Listen to the sound of the girl to study fluid. Very cool and bright sound. And a small stove and steady voice together, in the room, sleep skin savage meat of the story, like a beautiful ribbon in the meandering and moving. She read, and the fairy tale is the same thing, the mother towards her son looked at several times, he would like to ask what this history which may prohibit it? But after a while a child, she tired of listening to hear this story, began to quietly observe the guests and let them find.
Ba Weier and Natasha sat side by side; he was good looking than anyone else. Natasha whispered, overlooking the book, aside from time to time by hand on both sides that slide into the temple hair. She often looked up, her eyes looked good listeners, Yadisangyin not reading this, give some personal views.
Huo Huoer the large chest against the corner of the table, and slanting eyes watching his drooping mustache that was pulled.
Level Suofu Xi husband will blame the palm branch of the knee, such as wood are generally straight in his chair, his thin lips goes scarce pock-marked eyebrows, motionless, like a mask-like. His fine eyes unblinking, staring stubbornly that light reflected in the copper stove on his own shadow.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

scrambling to look into the shop

"Maxi Miki. Be careful. ... ... It may explode," he Fu Xiashen carefully examine those firewood, readily throw me back out of a piece.
"You is? ..." I did not understand.
"Hey you behold."
He handed me a fried round wood, I saw the original wood inside has been hollowed out, the explosion of the mouth are burned.
"You know, right? These bastards are actually filled to the wood powder. Hum.
Unfortunately, this power of a pound of gunpowder can be not so great. . "
As he dropped the wood, while hand-washing.
"Fortunately, A Kexi Eugenia did not in the kitchen, or else the ..." smoke gradually dispersed, the kitchen by a ruthless with one dilapidated mess.
Huo Huoer calm people unreasonable, this sinister conspiracy that he did not seem angry.
Streets full of children who watch the children.
"Huo Huoer house on fire. Let the village on fire."louis vuitton wallets 
A timid woman started crying. A Kexi Eugenia across from the bedroom shouting themselves hoarse: "Mikhail Antonella odd.
They rushed to the shop. "
"Hey. Quietly point." Lomas said fur with a dry rub his beard.
Bedroom side window filled with pairs of panic, strange, complex expression of the face, despite the choking smoke them scrambling to look into the shop, I do not know who inflammatory shouting: "put them out of our village. always out of trouble. day Oh, a group of bastards are. "
A little man, red-haired peasant, drew a cross on his chest, trying to crawl into the shop, but failed, along with his right hand with the ax fell on the go.louis vuitton bags 

shaking the shop where the shelves

People ask reasons.
"This is not a simple do I bring you happiness." Veterans answer attracted everyone laugh.joanjudy exblog blog
One Sunday morning, cook stove to the yard a good point, I am watching the counter in the shop, when a loud noise, shaking the shop where the shelves, glass and windows are broken, the iron box containing sugar roll to the ground, a time Xilihuala, banging into a ground ring.
I hurried toward the kitchen, the smoke was joy it is to take, under the smoke as if something was splashed Baoxiang, Huo Huoer grabbed my shoulder: "You do not go first ..." cook scaredoverwhelmed and cried.
"Hey. Stupid Old Woman ..."
Lomas one rushed into the kitchen, bam - the sound knocked down what he angrily cursed the door shouting: "Well, do not cry. Get water."
I went into the kitchen, the board put a lot of insight is the firewood smoke, small pieces of the above there are flames, there are a few shake off the brick oven, the furnace would obviously have been cleaned up, nothing dark .
I finally touch the thick smoke in a bucket, douse the fire on the floor, you dig back into the furnace of the firewood.
"Be careful." Huohuo Er told me:suewo livedoor blog
He took the cook to the bedroom direction, and directing she said: "Go to store child shut the door."
I then turned Warning:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

listening to subtle movement in the house

The side of his head, listening to subtle movement in the house, the body kept trembling.
"She is your wife?" I whispered.louis vuitton bags 
"His wife, my everything, my life." He looked at the floor, though not loud but very clear voice, and began to pay close attention to the hair by hand.
"Yes, your tea?"
He was slow to move toward the door, then suddenly stopped, he thought the servants because fish poisoning in the hospital.
I said I burned myself to the samovar, he agreed. He must have forgotten that he almost naked, barefoot Pata simply walking on the floor, he took me to a tiny kitchen. Back-fire, said: "If it was you, I probably premature death. Thank you so much."
Suddenly his whole body shake a bit, his eyes widened in fear.
"If I die, how is she to do? Days of Egypt ..."
He looked at the dark bedroom door, and quickly whispered: "She is sick, she had a son is a musician, and later committed suicide in Moscow, she was still hope he comes back, has two years ..." We have tea together When he spoke incoherently many strange words.
He told me that this woman turned out to be the landlord, he is a history teacher. To a woman left her husband (the Germans, is a Baron), to the Opera House to make a living. Although her husband make all the stops, but to no avail, they have always lived a happy cohabitation.
He looked at a trial of strength lowers a corner kitchen and fireplace of what material has been broken on the floor. He took to drink a cup of hot tea, too hot he frowned, her eyes blink.louis vuitton wallets 
"What do you do?" He asked me. "Oh, toast workers. How like? Why?"
He was obviously a bit overwhelmed, like a network, like a bird looking at me in panic. I simply tell my history.

from time to time holding the windows

"Really?" She murmured.
George jumped off the chair almost naked, kneeling in front foot woman said a few words in French.joanjudy exblog blog
"This I do not care." She replied in Russian.
"You know what? My ice and snow and wind in this lost, I almost froze to death," George said to the woman nervously, 

while also gently rubbing a woman's hand.
George appears to have forty years old, black and red lips Hu Shun groveling face a look, his hand clutching the horse's mane like vicious children to gray hair, this time he has been very clear pronunciation.
"Tomorrow we go to Kiev." Questioning people like the woman, determined to like something like that.
"Well, that is to go tomorrow, but now the rest, you were right to go to bed, almost midnight ..." "Mischa tonight does not come back?"
"It will not. ... ... So much snow to go ... we go to sleep ..." he escorted a woman carrying lamps into the bookcase, the little door, I spent a long time in the outer room, listening to inner peace George hoarse whisper. 

Blizzard like long hair claws, from time to time holding the windows, the snow on the floor of the candle flame shyly reflecting the glorious "rooms full of furniture, nice and warm, people feel very relaxed.
George finally staggered walked out of the hands of the Taiwan collision with lamp shade.
"She slept."suewo livedoor blog
He lights into the back of the original, standing center of the room, thoughtfully, his eyes do not look at me and said: "how to say? Tonight, if not you, I would have frozen to death ... ... Thank you.
What do you do? "

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Like Lindsay

Like Lindsay, is that "Legend", rather than Faye Wong. Over the years there are still many people in the cover and unremitting. Is still time to change the years. Thanks for the Memories I have been, but it is very moving and faint melody miss the lyrics. However, like an instant thing, you can also long, long time.
I do not know when to start to like his lyrics, from the lonely and stubborn, "Xiao Wangshu" to the most is Acacia's "red beans." Shirley Wong has become a real "princess."
To boring leisure time will hum a few lines of "Sometimes, sometimes, prefer to believe that everything will end, will sometimes leave together, nothing will last forever ..." humming humming will be tears uproar.
Like Faye Wong, I think Lindsay is in love with the first word, then in love with Faye Wong's voice. Perhaps this is the so-called Aiwujiwu it!
Lindsay do not know when, always thought she is 30 years old, refined, quiet, quick thinking, inner wealth, Chunhongchibai of middle-aged woman. Because a "non-original I not happy, only I did not find one." Learned that happiness comes from experience, but more self-treasure.
They said the girls often like writing emotional, fragile heart, tears as endless surging river. I indulge in the text of the ocean, was an emotional ride confused, bragging, even forgot how to swim.
Lindsay said: "The hearts of the Buddha, Lotus opened everywhere" in his lyrics so I saw the origin edge off. Metaphor Faye Wong "legend" in the "prefer to believe about our past lives, life's love story will not go far ..." on such a dream to be split into two words, but children with Lindsay lit a lot of people. Metaphor, said Faye Wong, Yi-Xun metaphor.

Face a variety of disappointments in life

Mo flowers often have beautiful scenery, but I go slowly and quiet ride and when to return it?
Trivial change, but it is the people, but people said it is volatile.
In fact, not who's heart has changed, but we learned to reality. Anyone want to have a commitment to care for their own good promise, but, one day, over the vicissitudes of life, suddenly found that we had the best is good!
Face a variety of disappointments in life, we have so hard sink in the heart and calm to deal with the problem. Pessimistic, give up, disgusted, decadence, became the theme of youth, has become synonymous with our life skills. The thought of a few years later about to enter the community, not just occupy the curiosity and freshness of the more that we heard before the learned description of social fears and concerns.joanjudy exblog blog
We are not afraid of pressure, not afraid of no future. Loss of this true, or even numbness of the work into a machine, not even their own understanding into the person who is afraid of what we really worry about.
Man alive, for what, I have repeatedly pondering, there has been no clear answer. Sasa Tuotuo to born, will not lead to nothing, nothing can take away, leaving a deep love of this world we have what.
Everyone's ideas and the pursuit are not the same.
I just want to be an extraordinary person, do not expect immortality, not notoriety. Own to look at the colorful world, like their favorite people like yourself, have a happy family, living life the cake plain enough. Standards may be low, but people should also be ideal in many a life of it corn, but we could do that, are not very simple, need to go practice his heart.
Calm down, take a look at yourself, at a distance, ready to begin?suewo livedoor blog

The left hand is the most trusted each other.

Often are heard saying: "holding the hand of love, just like the left hand right hand." Listening to the words like a simple and popular, in fact, this is a profound and original insights. 
The left hand with each other is their own. Any of the other hand tell you how excited pleasant wits, you can walk away after all, that is a kind of incomplete. Only the left hand always go hand in hand waiting for each other. louis vuitton outlet 
The left hand is the most trusted each other. The left hand in each other too proud to play freely when the other side of the figure may be few and far between; frustrated in your needs, takes two to tango when the other party will face each other in a timely manner.They are always willing to give each other the most practical support to each other to see hope and opportunity to help each other keep a positive psychological implications.
The left hand is the best mutual assistance to each other. Life course, the left hand of mutual support and encouragement is the most precious. When the left or right hand setbacks or pressure, often as part of the burden will be shared with each other, mutual trust is precisely what a "tonic." The left hand side to each other which is not necessarily stronger than the other, but each other in some areas will have a wealth of experience can often offer each other in all respects to the many intangible support. Life has a perfect right-hand man, will become your biggest psychological pillar, often become able to "about" your "Idol." louis vuitton handbags 

After a street

After a street, not far from where the company is building. Day's work is about to begin, of course, have a good mood is good. The face of heavy workload, if the bitter face to do, the long run, inevitable physical and mental fatigue. Work is to better life, if because of work and reduce the quality of life, then start into the errors. Whenever possible, do not keep their sorry. Encountered worry about things, uneven thing, we might find a few chat with friends, and relatives through the phone or talk about the heart with love. Everything is no big deal, after this adjustment, continue to live a happy life and bright future struggle.
When the virtual clock on the desktop pointing to 5:30, a day's work came to an end. Sitting in front of the computer all day, it is inevitable that some sleepy, stretch up gymnastics, overlooking what the distance, is a good regulation. By the way Close the windows, kick down the attendance card, you can go home. This work is normal, then, we can see laughing faces. Once the task is more tight, can not so easily, and the joy of being home to break up discontent. Work meal eaten, they begin a new round of fighting, of course, has no less energetic during the day. Overtime not only advance a person's energy, but also advance the work of passion, but unavoidable. joanjudy exblog blog
Normal work, I will backtrack, and then in the alleyways hastily for dinner. Returned to the house, pitch-dark, the silence was not as open when the chaos. My spare time is very simple, look at the book, Tingting Ge, personal hygiene in bursts to make trouble. If there are tasks to work overtime, back when the usually late. City at night is gorgeous, and I looked at it before dark. Hidden in a small rental house, all my dreams, hoping one day to succeed and live a better life.
That it is easy to do it, it requires tremendous effort. Like the beat sounded every morning sound and cries, and with perseverance in order to access a happy life and bright future. Even on Sunday, the song "Symphony" will not be closed. For people who live here, this concept does not exist on Sunday. To be able to hustle and bustle of large cities based on the need to dusk as the sun goes down as diligent Dongsheng. suewo livedoor blog
Day after day, year after year, my dream is no longer far away, watch it become a reality. However, numerous villages as well, Zhou Peng village such a place, but also in my mind from time to time emerge, because they are my sail port.

Monday, June 20, 2011

China is in the primary stage of socialism

In fact, irrational allocation of rights and individual rights have been seriously squeezed out of those in power, leading to petition the existence of underlying causes. China is in the primary stage of socialism, can allow some people get rich first, and then led the majority of rich people to get rich, true "communism." The idea is good, but the specific operation it will be a problem. "No scarcity and uneven distribution, do not worry about poverty and suffering from anxiety," because "human" factor is the instability factor, and all policies, laws and regulations are enacted by people. As the saying goes "the truth lies in the hands of most people, but most people obey the minority leader, so the truth ultimately rests in the hands of a few." Authority rests in the hands of a minority, the minority will be part of a small number of people at the local jackal to the tiger When some people encounter such people in power, does not want to petition is immune. The inequitable distribution of rights, policy and legal framework, the leading cadres of administrative law, the interests of the people behind the pros and cons. Or appropriate to do some did not much for the local real meaning of "face project", so some of the "truth" of people would think that having good government, they "wholeheartedly" for the sake of local development plan. In fact, in this project, some of the leading cadres who have been eating pot full. Miscarriage of justice, leading to increased cases of law-related petitions; case of poor execution, illegal handling, leading to increased cases of law-related petitions; land contract in breach of contract, housing demolition, compensation funds low and not in place, and some of the backlog of long-term problems of the grassroots Debu to solve, etc., also lead to increased cases of law-related petitions. louis vuitton bags 
Further information transmission mechanism and judicial system is imperfect, is the direct cause of present petition. At present we have the national authorities, research institutions, media, diversity of opinion and other conventional sources of information transmission, but because there is selection operating on the omission, incomplete information, such as poor transmission problems, and the rule of law in China is still in the "touch the stones across the river "stage, many laws and regulations, and unsound on the blank causing the blind and people questioned, some of the judicial system to solve the problem with reasonable, but not legal logic cycle. Fair judicial environment needs to be improved, so the petition will naturally become an important way to redress the people.louis vuitton wallets 

New Year on January 24 afternoon

It is reported in the New Year on January 24 afternoon, Premier Wen Jiabao came to Beijing Yongding Gate West State Bureau for Letters visitors reception room, listen to petitioners complain of grievances, the scene accompanied by the required staff to actively supervise the ministries. Premier Wen direct face to face with the petitioners that the history of the new China it is unprecedented, said to Liu Qian type of "witness the miracle of the moment" has been insufficient. Premier Wen to know that our normally it is the wind, the rain gone, the prosperity of the motherland construction spared no efforts. The eight petitioners to Beijing is definitely lucky in the lucky, you can use the "clashes between" to describe it. China's petitioners are numerous, but this eight petitioners, petition the tide in the small drop, or even negligible. Because of this, their "adventure" will be incredible, but even the Chrysanthemum would envy. Fortunately, however, petitioners in this eight Premier Wen face to face with the back, which reflects the feelings of the Chinese folk expression of the normal channels to be nipped in the bud.joanjudy exblog blog
If at the grassroots level to solve the problem, why do we seek, "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles" to "to Beijing Gao Yuzhuang?" This is it totally different? Cost of manpower and force do not say, party committees and governments at all levels will be so-called "Beijing Office" interception down, and then trumped the "insanity" as an excuse to return home return. Back to the place but also by some "unknown person" to "sample! Want to live?" To threaten, and finally come to a "mentally ill" in hospital diagnostic category. There was a beast called Peking Sun Dongdong torn pants to put a raised eyebrow: "Those old petition for specialized households, I am responsible to say, do not say one hundred percent, at least over 99 per cent had mental problems, are is a paranoid disorder. "why should we, and his general knowledge, paranoid disorder stuff to say, do not stuff it? Even removed the "Beijing Office," this strange bureaucratic, and local impact is minimal, is the so-called "policies, under the measures, the middle of characteristics." Petition has been ingrained in the Chinese characteristics of the.suewo livedoor blog

Saturday, June 18, 2011

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She all of a sudden felt an unprecedented grievances, from small to large, nobody has actually informed her so, she could be the eldest Angle's dignified, everyone respected her. although the Louis Vuitton bags veteran Angle Angle of sit back and watch of descent and she has not pushed her, but Ling Shushu usually adore to shield their own, do not say what people veterans, met is nonetheless quite loving.
But this has totally nothing to accomplish with her people, her concern aside, but in inclusion to deal with her. She is really frustrated, large eye balls complete of tears, shiny and beautiful, she stood there overwhelmed, Ptolemy with two grownup men and females over to create this situation, do not know what to say, shortly after a for just about any lengthy time, or burning leaves his original to speak: "Ptolemy General, I do not need to produce factors challenging for you, how you execute the implementation of it, shortly after all, an order." Ptolemy started to appreciate the woman from the heart, Louis Vuitton bags usually believed she was unruly earlier to irritable, do not expect, or so intelligent and sensible.
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Ptolemy used the burning leaves out within of the tent, just most ideal concerning the golden eye, Louis Vuitton bags paused, experienced to turn away. She also nonetheless followed, not altered the pace.
The up coming morning, Alexander could be starting up with two hundred elite. Burning leaves overlook temper screw near to from the tent, porter fifty grownup men and females have been released into her command to accomplish something else, using a half every individual morning concerning the only two grownup men and females in the direction of door, burning leaves and swiftly go with on clothes, appears to possess turn into only a little boy. She effectively climbed over the window, keeping away from the two soldiers door, straight to Maquan, wanting to discover a robust horse, shortly after Kuashang Qu ran straight toward the path of Athens

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Louis Vuitton bags using the evening they arrived at Athens, Athens, roughly guess the king persists to be king experienced come, but he pretended to know, as well as to cope with his normal affairs within of exactly the identical respectful and hospitality. back again toward commencing and at evening shortly after the queen slept preparing strategies, her husband, Wang Hou Laya typically desire to help their brother, however the king of Athens, but merely as a accomplish result of dread and indecision.joanjudy exblog blog
Louis Vuitton bags also see these, but he gave Ptolemy 5 times to prepare, so within of 5 days, he should rush back again to Thebes. He only three times to their stay in Athens, but persists to be two days, and if we do not make the choice the following evening the king of Athens, or even the choice to help Thebes, he experienced resorted to some last resort, even although this could be the He now leaves to refrain from burning one of the most extremely important reason, the center within of the sea is tolerant, she should not see the bloodshed. In fact, how can she adhere to their individual protection do not adhere to Ptolemy.
Burning leaves rode toward the village of Athens, but do not go straight to Louis Vuitton bags, she needs to stay outside the palace in Athens, an make an effort to locate an probability to combine into it. that the maid just to locate somebody to proceed a little something out, burning leaves near to the go, hoping to try his luck.
Maid who appears to acquire this skinny small boy is not satisfied, but most within of the slaves arrived looking brown skinny.suewo livedoor blog

 She frowned toward burning leaf asked: "Your power can it? proceed firewood."
Burning leaves nod as Daosuan, grinning Pakistan, revealing a mouthful of tusk, of course, burning Ms Yip unparalleled beauty, it is not possible to pull a extended tusk, that is her unique to positioned on to camouflage. show her lifetime, the main truthful smile, mouth, and stated vaguely: "Yes, Yes, my master continually telephone call me to movement back again near to the cow, huh, huh."

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Waiting for you personally brilliant

Sun, waiting for you personally brilliant. The world, waiting for you personally brilliant. I am appreciably more ready to stand you a bunch of prolonged ladder, which allows one to register even higher.
- Akiba Diary quotations (written for his son)

Get by employing that time on, i experienced been severely outdated one back.
Son sooner or later on taller than me, and standing there could possibly be the sturdy frame belonging to the man, but nevertheless appear childish.
And boy experienced agreed, inside the complete of his college entrance examination for him to create a word in purchase for him to show their tone of ridicule, but moreover for his paintings belonging to the last twelve many years studying period.
Previously drawn up a subject named "hanging soldier son" can usually really feel wrong, son, best suited after all, adults, and complete self-deprecating attitude can not be utilized in children, after which how you can say a decade or two later, and who will accept the word especially where the boy with this sort of and also this sort of "hanging" it, so I hesitated for just about any prolonged time.
However, his boy genuinely "hanging."

Those who have seen

Those who have seen, individuals that treatment about before, individuals which have missed before, and individuals that experienced embraced, as have all develop to be genuine once. We catch individuals that inadvertently disappearing Homecoming, once the youthful attitude with elegance roaring near to us, we looked only a impression of the loss and powerlessness, an instant we have grown up,joanjudy exblog blog I do not know because once the , likes to stay within a quiet corner to determine some belonging in the direction of sad and decadent, or create some text, fans often really feel immersed in that only the text message so that you just will make my presently tired ideas solace. text message is weak and powerless not getting dying, silence is truly a last resort standing still, then a false disguise, then the acting is realistic self-deception, it all of a sudden can not include up our hearts, our smiles are usually failing.
Wrote the text message for two years, every one write-up that people possess a mixture of slim awesome youth, by method of the chaos, within your arms of youth is consumed practically as negative, time has passed, youth finding old. memory space eroded the years, leaving practically insurmountable gap, buried the memory space belonging in the direction of years, getting the survival of evidence. pondering was, looking now, cherish the memory space belonging in the direction of future, like a extended time of silence to reflect on this confidential life, squandered my youth, there can be sad occasionally helpless, he totally likes this life, which I will not with know-how of.
Homecoming, the up coming time the wheels belonging in the direction of wheel represents left below a dash of happiness and inviting several sorrow, ma'am, have been packed away to the web pages of the chapter, the comments waiting getting ruthless using the lasting like a dream, when desire wings hurriedly covered the blue sky, only not ashamed belonging in the direction of conjecture. individuals have transformed now, memories of once, can not give future. Time Recorder youth below the mottled look within your passage of your time within your gray, individuals memories have develop to be the festival memories.suewo livedoor blog
I can not area the memory space of yesterday. Today's loss, allow me re-injury. Tomorrow I do not recognize how several hardships helpless waiting for me to taste. Shallow shallow injury time, and I can not smile no extended format.

Monday, June 13, 2011

severity in the attitude has been a habit

Although the emperor was on the duel purposes of strict measures, but Pierre and Dolohov the event has settled privately, and whether it is a duel between the parties or their witnesses have not tasted the bitterness. louis vuitton monogram macassar canvas 

Upload duel it opened in the community, and Pierre had a falling out with his wife confirmed this. When Pierre was a bastard, when everyone with a generous look at the protection of him, when he was the outstanding Russian Empire fiance, everyone caress and praise him, and he married, his fiancee and mother who were his has no expectations from public opinion in the community eclipsed Pierre, and he does not want to win are not good at public recognition.

Now we put the events attributed to him a man, says he is a brain are unclear, the jealous man, said he, like his father, as cruel mad easily burst. After the departure of Pierre, Helen returned to Petersburg, and her acquaintances not only graciously receive her, and cherish respect for her misfortune. 

When the conversation involving her husband, Helen showing a solemn expression, even though she does not understand the meaning of this expression, but quite know Helen terms of the severity in the attitude has been a habit, she would reveal that the natural expression. 

This expression is that, she decided to endure no spits his misfortune, her husband is God sent the cross. Prince Vassily more frankly voiced his opinion. When the conversation related to Pierre, he shrugged, pointing to his forehead .louis vuitton monogram multicolore 

the look of embarrassment and fear

"Well, my dear," said Prince Vassily playfully, "you say 'yes', I'll write to her, and then we kill the calf of a fertilizer." Vassily not to joke about After Pierre exposed as furious as his father's look, he did not see the dialogue of people's eyes, but with a whisper, said:louis vuitton monogram denim 

"Duke, I did not come to your call, please go, you go!" He jumped up, opened the door for him. "You go away." He repeatedly said he does not believe that they will become like this, while Vassily reveal his face the look of embarrassment and fear, but also made him feel happy.

"How do you now? You sick?"

"You go!" Once again heard the trembling voice. Vassily because Pierre did not get any explanatory reply, so he had to go.

After a week, and Pierre to the new friends - Masonic members farewell, leaving them a large sum of money to charity, and then leave for their own territory. 

His new brother, new Young gave him a few letters addressed to Kiev and Odessa Masons local letters, but also promised to write to him and guide him to engage in new activities.louis vuitton monogram idylle